Successful references
We have been carrying out an average of 96 projects per year with a very high success rate in the main grants.
Since 2013, the Entrepreneur's Law has allowed companies without profits to request the refund to the Treasury of the tax credit obtained and approved by the Binding Reasoned Report.
Proposal for more active aid in Spain
Koan supports the obtaining of a wide variety of grants that allow in a combined way to maximize the support of Public Administrations to innovation.
Projects carried out in recent years
Potential to achieve between 12% and 42% savings on project effort
Direct and immediate rebate of 40% on employer contributions to SS contributions for research personnel.
The financing of innovation projects through public aid covers a wide range of areas and presents diverse variants in its form and timing. It is cumulative with the tax deduction.
Projects to be carried out in the coming years
A wide range of grants for innovation and investments
Up to 85% of financing
Up to 33% of nonrepayable funds
Integral cost subsidy of research entities
Regional: up to 65% of non-repayable funds IDAE: local entities with financing of 85%, 80% and 50% depending on the CCAA
Financing up to 70% for EEPP
Bi-Multi-Sided | Horizon Europe | LIFE |
Up to 85% of financing Up to 33% of nonrepayable funds |
Subsidy of up to 100% of the costs (RIA and CSA) or 70%(IA) | Grant up to 55% |
Most common aids
Several of the above funds provide a source of financing for projects, being necessary to match them based on their objectives and results.
- R&D and innovation programs
- Digitization programs
- Energy rehabilitation of buildings
- Sustainability and energy savings. Reduction of CO2 emissions
- Rural development
- FEDER for regional SMEs or companies in the tourism sector.
- Interreg
- Innovative urban actions and EDUSI
- European Social Fund
- life program and biodiversity foundation
- PERTE by Nextgeneration
Several of the funds listed above incorporate part of the new recovery or next generation fund.
Detail of projects...
All compatible lines of financing are exploited to cover the project's costs and enhance its innovative character.
We provide expert support to transform your projects from high TRLs to low TRLs, providing techniques and technologies that enhance differentiation with respect to existing products in the market.
Non-refundable subsidy
Financing + non-refundable subsidy
Research and Development Projects (RDP)
0% interest
7-10 years / 2-3 grace period
Unsecured / no CIRBE
- 3-4 months
Personnel, collaborations, materials, equipment amortization, general
Technological growth projects (LIC-A)
Euribor + 0.5% interest rate
7 years / 1 grace period
Unsecured / no CIRBE
- 3-4 months
Acquisition of equipment.
Regional restriction
Energy efficiency in SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector
CNAE 07 to 39
- <=6 meses
Improvement of industrial technology with energy saving effects / energy management systems.
Eligible: investments. Calculation basis with limits based on the savings generated.
Technological innovation projects (LIC)
0.2-1.2% interest
3-5 years
Unsecured / no CIRBE
- 3-4 months
Personnel, collaborations, materials, procurement, depreciation of equipment, general
European support for innovation
Since 2004, the European Commission has been launching programs to promote innovation as a fundamental axis for the growth of the European business fabric, providing a budget item directly aimed at sharing the expenditure that companies make on R&D&I.
With this budget and directive, Spain organizes innovation support on the basis of the following regulations governing accounting, subsidies and tax management in companies
Reference standards related to innovation
- RD 4/2004 Corporate Income Tax Law regulating R&D
- RD 1432/2003, on Binding Reasoned Report
- Law 20/2003, on Industrial Design
- UNE-EN 45011:19998. Product certification requirements.
- Accreditation criteria: CEA-ENAC-02
- UNE 166001:2006 on R&D&I Management
- Law 16/2007 on Reform of Commercial Legislation (Patent Box)
- Law 14/2013 on entrepreneurship, which modifies the Patent Box calculation.
- Law 38/2003 General Law on Subsidies
Proposal for more active aid in Portugal
Initiatives to promote innovation in the Portuguese public and private sectors
Projects carried out in recent years
Possibility of obtaining between 32.5 and 82.5% savings on project effort
Direct and immediate rebate of 40% on employer contributions to social security contributions for research personnel.
Projects to be carried out in the coming years
Grant up to 60%
Bi-Multi-Sided | H2O2O | LIFE |
Up to 85% of financing Up to 33% of nonrepayable funds |
Subsidy of up to 100% of the costs (RIA and CSA) or 70%(IA) | Grant up to 55% |
Portugal provides an aid system based on Tax Deductions for Business R&D, with filing deadlines at the end of May, and on those companies subject to IRC with projects carried out totally or partially in the previous year, and with a deduction on the tax liquid on MOD 22. The aid intensity is very high, so it has fewer programs than those existing in Spain.
The legal guarantee of the tax deduction requires professionalism in the process of obtaining the official certification, which is the main effort to achieve it.
- 100% success after expert appraisal
- Between 32.5% and 82.5% of aid on deductible expense
- Full fiscal security through official certification from the competent authority (ANI).
The deduction is made under the terms of Article 90 of the IRC Code, in the settlement associated with the corresponding taxation period.
Credits that, due to insufficient Quota, cannot be deducted in the fiscal year in which they were made, may be deducted up to the eighth following fiscal year.
The objective of the project must be the resolution of a technological challenge.
The development of the project must be supported by a process.
- There must be a technological motivation for the proposed development.
- Identify technology objectives.
- Advocate for scientific/technological advancement.
- Solve the technological challenges, or part of them, encountered in the project (ANI).
- Acquisitions of new fixed assets directly related to R&D activities.
- Personnel directly involved in R&D tasks.
- Operating expenses (maximum 55% of personnel expenses directly involved in R&D).
- Outsourcing of R&D activities.
- Registration and maintenance of patents (micro, small and medium-sized companies).
- Acquisition of patents predominantly for R&D activities.
- Hiring of Ph.
- R&D audits.
- Participation of leaders in the management of R&D institutions.
- Contribution to investment funds aimed at financing companies dedicated mainly to R&D.
- Equity participation in R&D institutions.
Proposal for more active aid in Italy
Initiatives to promote innovation in the public and private sectors Italian
Projects carried out in recent years
- R&D tax credit ranging from 10% to 20% of qualified R&D expenditures
- IP cash regime "Patent Box". Excludes part of the income attributable to the use of qualifying intangible assets from the corporate income tax (IRES) and regional corporate income tax (IRAP) base.
- Tax credit ranging from 30% to 50% of qualified expenses incurred for "Industry 4.0" employee training costs.
- Tax credit ranging from 6% to 50% of expenses
incurred for the purchase of new capital goods eligible for "Industry 4.0" and others.
Exemption of the 90% from Personal Income Tax (IRPEF) and a total exemption from IRAP
Projects to be carried out in the coming years
Bi-Multi-Sided | Horizon Europe | LIFE |
Up to 85% of financing Up to 33% of nonrepayable funds |
Subsidy of up to 100% of the costs (RIA and CSA) or 70%(IA) | Grant up to 55% |
Development of new products, services or processes, substantially different, based on the development of new technology (algorithms, formulations, materials, etc.).
Development of new products, services or processes, or improvement of those already existing in the company or in the market through the use of technologies available in the market.
Tax deduction process
Meetings with area managers for the identification of projects
Assessment of the degree of innovation
Project identification and evaluation
- List of identified projects
- Business Case of the identified projects to select the most profitable one(s)
Meetings with the technical team for the search for evidence
Request for financial documentation
Request for technical-economic documentation
- List of evidence required for the defense of the project
- Economic documentation related to the project
Project qualification: R&D or IT
Construction of the technical report, data sheets, planning and budget closing.
Preparation of documentation
- Technical Report + Evidence
- Ministry of Finance
- Annex II
- Supporting documentation for expenses
Project documentation upload
Certification process
Defense of project feasibility and qualification
Defense before the Certifying Entity
- Contract Company - Selected certifier
- Certificate: Technical Report, Audit Report and Diploma
Upload the project documentation to the Ministry's platform.
Receipt of communications
Motivated Ministry Report
- Motivated Report
Your value
Today's companies have a high degree of organization and optimization of innovation in their processes for improving product and service quality, but there are innovations of varying degrees in all departments that have little visibility and recognition within the company.
From KOANTEC we help you to:
- Expedite the definition of projects and their implementation.
- Invest wisely and optimize investment in order to undertake a greater number of initiatives and projects.
- Popularize innovation so that it reaches all employees of the company, so that they can contribute and spread the culture of innovation throughout the organization.
- Increase the number of projects in order to accelerate the pace of improvement of the company and ensure the continuity of innovation in the medium and long term.
- Increase employee participation and define a multidisciplinary team to drive innovation.
- Have a systematic procedure for the conversion of the idea into a project and follow up on it.
- Increase the novelty of the changes to improve the benefit of these changes in the company.
How we started
In order to improve the project approach and the proposal of complex consortium-based projects, we carry out the following support activities.
- We evaluate the technological and innovative content of the various activities planned by the partnership, and classify the identified "projects" and their costs according to their nature
- We estimate the relative weight and importance of the projects detected.
- We facilitate the proper capture of all costs in accordance with their application to regional, national and European funds.
- We study the possibilities of financing and presentation of each project to maximize the funds to support the promotion of the project, recommending the next steps in its organization and launching.
- We redefine the projects in accordance with the planned lines of financing.
- We propose new projects or lines of impulse with high interest for the team and associates.
- We support teams in all information needs, service management, and the rapid launch of actions.
- We support in the constitution of informative and presentation meetings with public bodies in the event that a preliminary validation of the project approach is necessary.
- We support the composition of public-private cooperation groups for participation in strategic projects.
Main customers who have trusted us
Collaboration with universities, technology centers and business schools.
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning
- Bigdata and predictive models
- Sensorization, IoT, smartcity
- Machine vision, virtual reality and augmented reality
- Applied robotics, Industry 4.0
- Bots, Chatbots, advanced marketing